Wildling Books

How Do I Feel? Box Set of 65 Cards


65 Cards in a Box - This stunning boxed card set will help our children learn to recognise and label emotions and feelings. The set is from the best-selling book, How Do I Feel? A Dictionary of Emotions for Children and includes all 63 emotions and an introvert and extrovert card.

With a beautiful illustration of the emotion on one side and the name and definition on the other side, these cards will be a helpful tool for any parent or teacher wishing to help expand emotional literacy in children. Use these cards to start conversations about different emotions. If you can, give examples of times you have experienced a particular emotion. When you see a child experiencing an emotion, help your child label it. “Are you feeling ... right now?” and show them the corresponding card.

Learning to recognise and label our emotions correctly is such an important skill for life. Giving our children this language helps to build emotional literacy. It is a gift to give children the tools to know how to recognise what they truly feel and that is it okay to feel all emotions. When they know that no emotion is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and that all emotions provide messages, then it takes away any attachment to that emotion being part of who they are.

 Recommended Age: 2+

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